Aufregerthemen Schliessen

Falls church finds. See Religion, page D l. N e nwgicvo/tey ...

Falls church finds See Religion page D l N e nwgicvotey


a G O O D M O R N N Hgh:* 1 T... Coolor wtth chncft of thxtoretott. DETALS: S;A2 #.. f R H Y T H M C FAT- H [) Falls church fnds dfferevways aystb attract the fathf See Relgon, page D l n l e s -.

1 a G O O D M O R N N Hgh:* 1 T... Coolor wtth chncft of thxtoretott. DETALS: S;A2 #.. f R H Y T H M C FAT- H [) Falls church fnds dfferevways aystb attract the fathf See Relgon, page D l n l e s -... nwgcvo/tey. vacae F FR E E N S D) E : On the golf course :e soe players wll occasonally ly take o ullgen a d&over afte Qfter httng a bad shot. Tho nefr. wfrnews s pub- r,, llshnga nulllean.c n.of sorts,wth 1000/5 edton oft r h e Southe daho He Health Gude. Please keep a copy py nect to your telephone and recy ecycle tho ncorrect and ncoplete lete health gude that was publshed cd May 7. N e S A 1 U RW A Y * H a y 2 0, ; c e:n ts. Toor rrow V Hundreds o> soccer players ers and ther parents haye desce Twn Falls ths weekend for the Presdents Cup toua Feds,stat sgnew watce rp a Cortservat pay rrgate T T -C : t o n p r o g r a r t o r s f o r d r y L By Mlch6lle Dunlop Tes-News wrter say th e progn s a: tnnt step loward rest d nshed aqufer, TWN FALLS Rout oughly 100,000 acrcs o f Magc : Valley U nder the Cons Reserve Enhance far land c ould be taken o ut gra, or CRER trg of pro d u cto n u n d er a 1 w ater conservaton agruc e ent dry to j struck betw een the state te j and lun federal gove enl. 1 4 H j Ths s a w nnng a n e e - land ent for all ofldaho. sajd Gov. ] Ksch. w ho s s an porestorng the the deal o n dahos ben After extetsve research, ch. we var have deter n ed th at ( u nque state-federal p an nnr erjnservaton tha shp wll result r belter r w water n,. Ne«ob M.TJh flows for sp rn g users, )c pad to proved vrater Qualty for dryng up tlat land, ry s up avcryone a n d a n ncrease >ase n Strong o f the daho j unds, on a wldme h ab tat" Ge n e ra s olce. v o lu n ta r y O n Frday, Agrculture rosec- S Retrng House* )uss. for S rotary M ke Johanns und Bruce Newcob, rears. The Rsch sgned nto effect!ct the lqs been vorkng >rcc tc per ; long*antdpated S258 ll nulon deal n place for roug crc o f land progra. lc deal offers on years and esta arcs on ) o pportuntv to red u ce ws w ater w ater jsers could seou 60 percent fle lued. lve By Blar Koc ws correspondent TlefrNews ave a w atng lst of people n eedng a place pl to stay,".she.sad, d.. FALLS Busness Ls good tls ls weekend erkns snt t j alone. sn the Magc Vuley. Across tc CJ canyon, ul de Best W estern crn sav. Sacrfced tl to soccer s for a state Pasdents Cup so tates. o u t ost wd toko advant ntagcof lageofthoscoffcrl crngs. plan o n workng odty a n d aobrdablty o fth e ( Garage sale! s s... ES C o l- Pleases see QRAOUATON. Page A2 Southe daha worten Hosptal wants to boost 1breast ; cancer screens g )0 By Sandy Mller Tle»New» wrter» r 9 TWN FALLS As a breast n cancer survvor herself, the rcg port fo tho fcde lerol Food and j Drug Adnstr traton took Susan M orrs abac ck.., d a h o ~ ranked a t lle : vhdng breast canccr s to catch h t early and that just w hat narunoeraus a ngfor d a Studes show th tl at e a detecton, w hen folc llo w cd b y ap - -propratctrat cn :n c saves Uvs, a n a ncreases trc rcat ent opdons. T he flvo-yc year surv> rate for breast canc nccr s 98 percentj ong ndv

»r2 Tle»M«w, TWln FaU,,daho d SatwlayMay20,a006 loday-cqolof ChafCQ-sola solalcdotrno ran.ahow(u5ncl.

2 »r2 Tle»M«w, TWln FaU,,daho d SatwlayMay20,a006 loday-cqolof ChafCQ-sola solalcdotrno ran.ahow(u5ncl. Jd Today Tonght Sun n d a y M o n d ay T u e s d a y Wednesday W e H Prep tton odotnoon hundcso ors Hghs uppof 70s TonlBht: Parly ckaudy wlh lh llho l n ho way of ro lkoly. nswwrktrr! Lows low O -x M M lr. COMrrMan* Toorrow: Poasont wlt lm ltho to no stor oclvly oxpoctod.0. Hghs low , a %. = T O O, o Ttks ol rn ond Partly elooay, Ploasant. 11. bttle to no Much cooler, lle e». Partlyeto»Oyand An Today: Boozy lo wndy pcfo jcodu couplod wth gusty lalo dn> any tunder tan o opected ol ren end thunder or easonl hundofstos H(;h& uppor pot 70s. K s a R w a S a Tonght: Pnrly cloudy and d ostly dry wtl lqhlof wnds Hgh 78 Low / / / /4 4 startn Lowa uopor 40a Toorrow;A co dny Bco 3oozy nt los wlk n stray hundettofft possble HQh Ojs noar 00. etrc» Sun :unrse and FPoOen Teperature Precptaton Hudty ure SJnset y Uc UonoOot* 0.34* Yeoana SUN VALLE J.EY. SURROUNDNG MTS. NenMl»«oWU«M/41 Henntffe«wwK,Va.. t» w a r v! TCw w n lf sffvunl tuya... Tapecaluret To wll bv peadnnl, anou ougn a «"M O N» NonMllrkwlotM* TM- AMt W )«* lue to O d 1to S e t». V.V;: ;. V, soo coolng B»» oxpoctod ro day lo day. Passng Tensoalu* &PocoUln Al«n vakl tnrougn 5 p ystooay Co*6r:y.l tundorslors ns ay norruol wo ouooor netvlkt Js Moon Phas la s B s Moonrlse U.V. NDEX vr*.::: Ton* nl Otr. FutlHoon hunooslor aclvly egrgng ] ov OV«r n» nal fa 57 ce 5S PC Po>avxl.««61 45 tf> S5 4fltf> sstt ee79npw «e >>V nundorslors aro n 49 n ea 48 an oown. 6e 6 n r. 66 «pa. al wro 64 ">«e l o n» 901 4«an U 46 af OwMUrvBC f. ocllw*ly koly on Sund pa 6 70 eo Rane - " vn.c3tk-m 1.;a0f -- M ". H.tMrAr dt 50 tr AS pc tll ClMUnct (k tl M 40 pe CUM M «r Sr«wr ee 6S 46 D vw : 7 64 tl 64 M n MUM OV M» *1pe-60oaee obowo --Tsnt - a07rw:l«m»!.r)>12v: SnoF u 0? 1? fn 79 * 44 ce 60 4t Ma 7«53 oc SanO SM eo r eo B3 Vl >>uu«n tluo 9 M M»»hwc»r j... V JwerK ea 44 pe eo 43 e TM * 10 aaaacav raaa u M " M SM M n or 41 PC WMTt«aKn.0C 7 5U3»* M*4f. PocaMo. u 49 tn 63 &: tl a 61 V /- 3» Porand.on cu 50 r » S CU 40 Ml tk H 73 cc #9 70»l,, -3 RuCMt tn M th 66 4S an usa nod H n«duro 7U 44 > 77 4: 67 CO(K (U 00 * 66 43ee FronW J : - :?..v fe *1 sedu, w7 n 5 So lo 62 po ah HawOrUM K YMtnUrt sut* CtrvflM: «: 9»t*no low; 41nlSun«v Saru,, th «h h r*~vw, «Cold wtallxr hty: u cu7anl c (M vj,, lg log n. r«yy w l.jr v«j.. &VU«V Wl 7n r 41 40» * y»>» MT n r - r c otsr c»x>r uv P tn tr o tuun Wern, LMHon WyC«v Bl 55 n 0? 5 M 49 M 41 datofall, tt TTb- Mec* M 44 n ra . tothvourrldto*.!.twltomltoh(ohbowa Tes-New e,hratl\kkw Socce CMBuv. Cruoca Dlracx Toda l TeotOH w l S v/ L o V Clly a e S oc SxtaBon e 69 «7 e 61 U 44 r bo 41 tc Tcwo U TS U «74 46 PC VvKsMt s s : v.»o.p.n,....le«e V y v V r «t C4 u r ar M c Vaatartfaya Hatl Katlonal Eztraaa: \ / " Hlgh;4>DM Daas Vatn Caa 76 U Ml PC twwag po 67 36c \ _\ t.ow; 26 H C«o>t :»01tfW,lv«- Graduaton ; r P u b ls h e r Contnued fro A L l tourna:nt ent w th over 100 th e ccanyon r trals o r check HncJ 1 l l : Jj-3345 Contnued fro A need, how ud ll t wll cost rea C ha ber of brng gng over 5,000 peo - out a show at de Herrett Center N e w s Co neae. pe... They ;y wll v sp en d a lot of stuff st that we h ere take for l!! for y brothers lloorfn )rfng busl- and wll dose jot o b sb c aval* "l-gures that w e have oney," gnnt nte -*ck out t nore o f w hat th e can : be rccled b y e- al aj. t just n case dngs don t on tw ork dcy\vanttodo.- person p( per day." Har- area has lo ) offer. ofl blar, r_20&hotalco o r by out, UrcysalcC flgu ngurct, Kate also a graduljttcrs 10 luge to lave a We hope le vstors v apprecate calln, ngs : wll p v e c soedng lnetofall adngsenorat U Vvln Falls Scllc edtor G back o n n de future." c." nor Hgh, wulbud lo help the,1 ng$4,200 $ ot 0 e also ju ped o n board to four-year collcge such caon stops, a nd o th erq :rques- the,grow ng l b c ro ru n ln - ":vltes. Stll o th er rcach h ovs, ( Water- start-up costs. cal cty and county new- ewspa- TTw beneft: Both the put publc and prvate sectors aro struj ruggllng to fnd p er p ursuant lo Secton GC- Contnued fro Al S75 llon Hon. lle daho Arkoo Qosh. an attorney for sur- sklled techncans, therc hcrefore, they oo offerng lorger sa salares and loa o fthe daho Code.11) ll rs- wll have the great. atest effect on Legslature u approprated S5 face : vw ater users, beleves the g ore attroctvo nconlve tvos. day s hereby dcsgnaec tled as de rver and the a( aqufer." New- llon ths year > for the pro- CREP :P agree ent rcpresent.s s th e day o f tle w eek on wl hch co b sjld. gra and carr we up wd S3 l- only f one of several tools to solv- Work force legal notccs wll be publsl jlslcd. T he total c o stof-de astern llon.lasl yuaj,ear_to-oan..out to proble s w th th e - Post aster, please s send Snake Rver Plan P CHEF gro dwater ler t users as an ncen- oqufe fer. ~ The opdons: Most gradut duangs e norrwcoblno thso chujge of address fonn to: P.O. over a 15-year pel perod wll bo tve to enroll. >11. tsts a publcly funded ldga- wth hgh educaton, but others ay sco t as the desta lnaton. Al- Uox S-lfl, Wn Falls. daho S2f>«llon, wth th the federal For grount undw atcr pu pers, tlon for f over-appropraton of f though ost eployon Tont opportunles. whch do not ro requre a colre oso ore govern ent contr ttrbutng S103 de progra rdabl«for stu- T b naga., vwth the dalo to dahos frst n t e, frst n dents graduatng fro n hgh school: over tho longe1.. tl these eploy- - The n es-news v s n f o r a t o n L n e G round Watc /ater Approprlators. rltv t w ater law. ees wll generally earn n lo less than thor colegegraduato 9 counterparts. c Even p u pers w ho facc beng Tle le CREP wll prove the [. The beneft: Soo recent Mnt graduates ara attracted to tho 10 quck oney shut off stll qualfy q for CREP f Snake Rver s w ater qualty and J they earn rght ofter colc xlegc, but occordng to U.S. News WS& World Re- 735;5-3350// p re -rc te re d for de flow by ncreasng groundwater r port, ony young career cor loborers fal nto debt because» of bg-tlckct levels :1s a nd red u ce th e applca- purchases on a sotl-scj ;-scole ncoe. P L o t t e r y a n d Wf e a th e r X w " ; c a:an n get th e 100,000 tlo n of o agrlcltural che cals acres o ut ol f producton, t a n d! n f o r a t o nla l re sed ents. E stabllshlns 5 5 should relevt leve, or ake a very perc nanent vegetadve covcr wll 1 Voll W unteer/servlce j u s t a p h o n e c a ll a w a y! serous dent t r n w hat th e ground provk /dc habtat for any y The opttooa: Volunteer r so servco s wdfrflngng feld that t ncludes * w ater users sareresporubleror, an wudlf [lfe spedes. overlng fro tho lllt nlltory to church servco ssons, s. Don t be 1 blnaga.sold Mld. Ob)bvously, ths s a key co fooled thot ogendes wll sply take anyone wlh o wn llng heart L o t t e r y ~ V a t her S Sgn up for the progra be- poner cnt o f de state s effort to rc- Many chron ogendes S n now seek college studens. or recent ret graduour te and n f o r a t o3n n n fo r aton t n s o n May ly 30. a n d contnues solve c the conjuncdve anage- otes wtth knowledge n spedflc felds. undl enrouc ent goalsare et, ent t d ght be rebursed fof you Press r e s s o r througl) (1) Dec , a n d groundw t ater users, StrongT expenses not ol co»ponsatlon s onetary, whchever co es frst. Land sad. The beneft Career advls jvlsors say volunteer experence ~ espedany. 3 enrolled n de progra wll re- experletwe that con be M 8 appled n future Jobs can al lake a resue an under?r c contract for 14 to TFes-News reporter Mchelle s stond out fro d l he otj» othefs. Eployers usually seek 8( applcants 15 years, as specfed n th e Dunlo lop can b e reached a t 735- who hava deonstrated led an ablty to wort wth others,, s sonre proth,, contract o r by e- al a t dun- les and coplete cof ople* projects. BesMes fulfllng : a sense of... o r c h e c k o u t o u r w e b s t e : a g o a lluey.cq l s uke nn c e w c o b ; T b Prrugcvalleycorru cmc or orol duty, any volunteers also buld networwn

N aton ad n # cgn a O SenatQ] >rsdebate ad] X J. 1. C L onc] w sougl co Englst hnatortallang [uage

3 N aton ad n # cgn a O SenatQ] >rsdebate ad] X J. 1. C L onc] w sougl co Englst hnatortallang [uage " By Suzanne Gaboa A f6cl«ted PwM wrttar WASHNGTON A p ro n e n t congressonal oppon lo n e n t.. of sweepng gton 1 le f Y o u r s p r th e g e g g e B raton conccdcd Frday easure s lkely to pass r E R Y S U P> P L E week, addng "Tle Ser Senate should be ashaed of lself. r H E E X P E At th e sa e te. Sen. Jeff [ R S A T Sessons. R-Ala.. predcted L d that l. wthout sgnccant danges, no llnal co pro se wo rcuhpen c l e e r &o House-Senate ne> L godatons tls year. Sessons ndcated 11 lttle E M B H P u, - chancc of.1 flbuster, a ta tactc \-. l f c th at w ould requre suppon lo n e rs to aass SO votes to preval. T h e Alabaa Hepubl blcan A an flls hs vehcle :le wth (ue undeeath a recently nstalled bll ade hs rearks at the ncl en o f board callng for Aer lerleans to Stop the nvason n Ma, A Frday. The a w eek o f aneuverng on G EM SEED ANUMS 5 Senate floor that left the funlla- bllboard V... pul up 9 by b,, a conevbtlve grass-roots { advo* $ 4 9 ental provsons of de legt l e a - cacy group, ton ntact. Tle bll calls 2 PACK lls for secretary bny Snc >now. "t s as would prevent [;nt l ted Englsh tougler border enforce ;t ent,.s ple as dat.-* speakers fro gettng j language B new guest worker progn «PLANTS...* 1 6 * roncally. Snow ; >ws rearks assstance recju (]ured ly an cxccand an eventual d ance a t c * dsputed a cla ; ade on the utve order sgn ;gned by Presdent zcnshp for ost of the estn Senale floor by Sen. l nhofe. Clnlon. So tle l Senate then MEMO [ CASE OF 2 4 ed 11 llon to 12 llon 1 R-Okla., the sponsor >or of the pro* voted on sayng thal Engga] grants already n posal to declare Ungl nglsh th ena- lsh s th e natons co on PLANTER! counuy. tonal language, He ll w arned and unfyng language." lar DRAL DAY RE! Senate Majorty Leader senators t was nco consstent to Thco ela eland Securty Den ttc dst ofre- O r B rn g Vou n e r & Frst. R-Tenn., declned to say support both, add ddng, "You partent s w hetler ltf ntends to vote W e ll C u s tot rs ARE HERY ou th e easure, althougl!,* canl have t rodwaj vays." desgnng the le ctzenshp test lu r O w rt C o n ta n \vo dozen sena lators joned and so e gro groups have been added, "t s certanly ovng vvuuushndongsc ;;s6. concerned about ab efforts to D O N T FC j P l a n t t F o r }ses, H Perennals, th at drecton." As leader. 1- has played a ajor role n r n - Supporters agreec :cd that b oth ake de test t orcdfhcult. V egetables, B, H angng B askets,.v Pleasures are largely ;ly sybolc. Sen. KenS;la 5;lazar, D-Colo, of- S. ng sure de legslaton read lached "We arc tryng to 0 n ake an as- fered the alterr ;ernatve. llc only P ato Pc ORGET... Ros M uch M ore! the Senate lloor. although.» sllatlon stateent, ;nt." sad Sen. Republcan to to vote solely for also has voted for so e o f B eddng Plants, H 1 n Undsey Grala. R- R-S.C. one o f.salazars co r on andunfya end ents sought by 1 two dozen senators w ho voted ng" language ;;e opton c w as Sen. bul sfoes. 1 /2 P rce DPots a n d M uch,,rk-thursday; M, lursday for both proposls. r Pete Doencl c o f New Mexco. Presdent Bush h:s expres: tl nhofe dsputed 1 dcharges tlat whose ho e ; slates sa constllton su p p o rt for llo general : th e nalonal prohbts dsc lscrl naon on D e l l v e y - B A R proach tken n the legslat ho laton. V lajjjuagc " " "K wa.s racst t ur c aed at of nabllt] llty to speak, read but h as not sad whetler he * 2 * Spansh spenkers. Eleven l De- orvrltelnglsh shurs )ansh. vors ts passage. nocrats joned Rep publcans n Both provsc /sons wll be n- K Te Wlte House voced d s sup- votng for hs elsur sure. eluded n an r graton bll port for two provsons tl The provson nnl nakes excep- the Senate s s expected e> lo pass cleared on Tlursday Onc conference c, had h lllle to say L A N D all along s that he w ants ctzenshp lo dc onstrate a!houj_he Sen; enac votes vfle Z E N T E R " Ea: nkc sure that people who o be- "suffcent (ders rsandng o f vstng the! Arzonu-Mexco />, co c Aercnn ctzens hav age for lsage border. T h e Senale S leeds to Where Addson Meets A P N G s, JD > (208) co an d of the Englsh : get the bll out, )ul," the presdent gunge, snd Wlle louse : press pr Rut crtcs argued ed the ove sad. ts Eastland Twn Falls, S W r o for Coun ty Cossoner, 1Twn Falls Dstrct 3. Experen ence & Coon Sense e for Twn Falls Coty lon these >se people and any others ( n supportng eorge Ure for County ty Cosoner.!l acurle f Wlla Hollnel n d d Bernard Knghton Chad Urle! Dnug Gee loyccg ff Noran McGu >ure Don Norrs Skp Mller Rchard Yong Judy Young BusterL. Young Pete Poderso rson Deanna Mller r Pa Voung k U Vern Adas ns Lnrrane Mller Danelle Martlne/. l f Brent Morrll Tll Greg Mller Jennfer Egbert Unda Morrll rrlll Rose Mller Stan Thoas ;n Paulne Dockstu teder John Rtche :oten lay Docksederer Sherre Rtche Tonya Backus 5 Steve Kohnopp. :s Kp McKelvy.Stan Deweler ves Jon Jund RtaDetweler ves Wnlt Freestone le Bob Wrght. eeves Jan Freestone: Davd Majerus Ron Ballard Karen Majerus Pat Ballard lelen Pager acobs.l. -reestone: RexWard stny Nadne Freesto: lone MarloWard aker lruce lulcher r Brent Stasney rll Kathy Butcherr Greg Slevers rrlll Doug Ash R o c Mathews son Rod Reeves jack McOll rson _ S h ala Molyne eux.. LarrylVuscotl s Earl MolyneuxX Wade Mason pe Lorrane Molyn yneux Keth Shark llespe Earl C. M olyneu,eux Grant Starley T R. Hollngcr ger Bob Haron r WallaceVeach1 Bob Benefel Kp Wooten o Teejay Berry HowardTennant nwnewoot J Marvn L Norrs rs M lkcndson 1 Art Jones plres Bryan H ans r. Rck Bloxla K Nkk loncs ner Shrley Harrs Larry Anderson k Doug Reeves a n Eldora Walkerr Unda Behrens Brady Reeves n cen t Dale Rchardson on Robert Dehrens Tleresn Reev er Margaret Rlchar lard- Becky Reeves f e d Stan Brd ger son - C arllbupln H Lynn Brd Kay Sharp Janelbupln 1 1 M aryd.ncn SlaneSnstn; Prary, Mt y 23,2006! Dan Shwa J l l Terry Morrll js Chad Ure, Tr, Treasurer J k Sherry Morrl Eldon U rso f V n M arlon Larso Dave Harrs Bob Gllespe Bonne Glles P.cryD utt 2 1 Gna Royerlll ] K lk aab o Jack Perce ( lll onewest.netm Pae slces $2 H H W M a 2. 4 B f r o f o r e g n a d r e q = = s WAS ASHNGTON (AP) Tlc th e Mouse Approprat adons blulon th e ad lnlscrauon lnlstratlons sgnature for- Colltces foregn operat :radots w anted, ad progra and raq rc- panel approved a S21.3 buon b! Rep. l Kolbe., R-Arz, R an d tru cto n. w ould get less easure that w ould pay ay for th e subco ttee rc char an, cy than Presdent Bush foregn assstance progra; sfor bla ed the reductk tlon o n nrcs- t n a bll a House sub- th e b u dget year, th at be; begns surcs n other an rcas of th e ltec approve-tl Frday Oct. t. Overall, the easu: sure s budget, such as de e wars \ hj raq D a unan ous vocc vole. $2.4 bllon less than th e CS23.7 $ andafglanlstan. ot a N When you onvenencc of hhuana d Choo e M edcare heolth p plan th a t ncludes ou P con hove th e con on drug coveroge. wwouldn t t ake your cc*, on oll-n-onc your coverage through jh o n c copany wth an easypart D prescrptlor 0 onthly.plan preun j *? ur lfe easer to get yo You u only have untl June sy to use plan for $0 [her r to changc your Mcc c d c a r e h ewth a plan. After June: Dont wat! ed to keep your curren n t plan untl January z 30 to decde whethe restrctons lwy apply, / Lets talk. Co e 30 *youll be requred r to fnd out ore: )7. Soe exceptons/re TW N FALL e to a FREE senar T W N FA LLS Jade R estaun daho Jo es 611 B lu e L akes LLS B 3 B lu e L a k e s B lvd. N. T u esd a y, M ay jr2 a n t d n e s d a y. M a y 24, 31 11:30 B lvd. N B 3 :0 0 p.. f W e d r on. H S A. Mcdre Group lecuh Dental and Lfe U M A N WQ T W X l.m M q u est An nsurancs Copa antage contract to offer a p health ndtndal hen Prvate Fee-for-Servcs plar rolled n tratt P art A and Part rtb M edcare tlroubt age o r d la wltt a Medcare Advant pay M edcare applcallb pren Blus. Corayenfe.servko area; avalable to anyone enrol nay apply. A sa le s rcqrntal tatlve : G H Jl _ P F S N o w lh b eprar Usablty w lu contl es d to. applcatons. pa. -,

k-4 Te»M«wt.TrlnFal] lt.tdho SatunSay. May 20,2006 N a t o n a l \ WORLD WHERE yshe?

4 k-4 Te»M«wt.TrlnFal] lt.tdho SatunSay. May 20,2006 N a t o n a l \ WORLD WHERE yshe? r : Cjuards,,detan( leesclas sh d lurng ncdent at Gto S e a r c h f o r H o f f a s 3 b o d y c o n t n u e s ; n f o r a nt t r e c e n t l y pl a s s e d p o ly g r : a p h t e s t _«SAN JUAN. P uerto Rco (AP) ; wlo have been held 1 for fo ore co unal-lvng g unt for th e Prsoners w th akeshft ft th an four years w thout ost co plant t prsoners weaj :apons b ad cd guards tryng R charges. appearng to get t rcody to hong By Peto Yost loso save a rletanee prctendnr lo Assocated Press wrter 10 rundcr Ucsc crcust stances, > hnsclf vvtl a be;, 7f., rttunlturs Tlls lllusracs to e hc 1C w hen ar detanee who 1 faled fal to ken Ught fbaurcs,, Harrs 1 sad, tk acvty" on vvha : now ngerous n atu re o f the en >n show up for ornng g prayers p Tor several n lnutes, the deld to have de t aled hd(k-n Drea s 1- n. have detaned here," de de- was found unconscous >us n hs tanees appeared Mtlbrl tjwnslp, M d., de lon cen ter s co andng g cell, Harrs sad, u p p er hand, knoc ockng so e o f lnu-1 loha dsppcared. d. ( de n*, co leer. Navy Rear Adn. 1 larry ry Tests ndcated h e had lad token de solders lo the te ground, sad vcsakr sd nday. prse rrls. lold reporters n a lele- e- an overdose o f drugs slar sln to Ary Col. Mchac ac Bugarner, hl- nvcsnator spol poke on Horses graze a flec leld Frday at Hdden Dreas Far Cub; nferencc, descrbng Thurs- de and-anxey drug Xan ra(ytybc y bccause shp, Mch., where federal agents are llggng n thee or(*. Antony; llu BfBflHSH Hc far, au. r cup, w:s unong de ost st b.nd prescrpton e edcne clals uscred 100 ore guards -H aflldav delalgllc the bass E h w norllwesl o Sntc lel ncdents reported at found another d etanee ce "froth- before d e quck c reacton force br he scarch warrau used to H lm l fw B ffflw W l barns a nd A sayr (l u p de };rotd o n de ; solated d etento n center, :r. ng at de outh" fro 1 an ar over- ganed control usng u pepper the horse M N l M l acrcsorfcld.s of lere te de U.S. holds about 4G0 >0 dose of drugs. He was hos- spray, unspccfu fed "physcal. -n ls s hl ban On hc day lolta van.asted. J) ( su.s/hccd o f lnks to al- ll- pjtal:;cd Jn stab le cont ondo), force." fve blasts o f a shotgun hp ~ co eacnssl T da or th e Talban. Defense c de ad ral sad, dal Ores rubber pellets p( and one lu properly, was ownt Lvned by 1?. gallon." sad dan(j lolla as.s()cac Kolland McMa-s-ndCo that B u garner ;r sad fres a.-yers sad th e sucde at- n the cary evenng, g. guards g slot fro a non-u -lethal w eapon 1 Hobens. who wc C. accordng lo Oakland ncjohcl-fu lend ly. Mch., properly recort ortls. Meays E-B AnnArtwr M organrolh, lr aong detanees, ost of l-our a edu securty, set sponge-llke projecdlc. McMastcr- offc. Slascrs atorncy say.s agens v.swl the t);-ycar-( ar-old re- _ de l-b woult r n M lllo rd T ow n- lcd Vahste hswc-ek.. conflnned 1 ll the search for the lolla VMs lasl seen on n luly 0 1 >~. CAN. ed McMase Th al hc M achus He edl-ox k enton, Mch lhe s Hcsaran alnl 20 le; llesfron r n llslldden > lhe lar. wch McN.cMaser ;. C Morganro r. about :0 les ovmudhrokloul de H)7 1970s.. 0 _M. M j, Jdj ;l of Delrol, has three As one exa ple of r de ac- 0 &o» kl krn 1, ness al de J lr 43 horse stalls on 5,}jy j A l l Y a oa h a C la v nlo c v a s o n S ale! l con Wells s tellng llup c Hl. tle " a peance. 1, ld.s au ;ud woods. wher nvesllkalor.sad Wells rcnc- edge, hs cle ; he lest cd ve seen Prces s start s at - gesed nvcslgato alors lb ll l!- tally sla ported Wels denly ru hursday ove u bun. G acdone duna are on unon bus- L*le oflloftas dlsap- Kll. Able Deolo llon n Shelby nvcsdgato wea/ah c nd dat to hs knnvl- Wells pleated guly n n 2> 2(KB to Townshp s on standby su os FB pccted lofta :lent w.xs never a sus- 837 Polelne Ro oad Twn Falls N ext to ators hve long sus- Medcal (flle r n Lexnc gon. Ky. forensc anhropt 3pology ut de, WofTa j Ws klled by the le ste -s;ys ls projeck cced re- Unversty ofu- nnessec and an rrep J h frjn recanlease date s Dcc expert on huan dcconpos- ta scrs presdency )t OU of prk)n for jury ; and fraud.. L = n a rnoon n 2003 for fot a retluct scncnce.w ells* atl loey lon. " hope they h hc expcrcncc Ve had pcoplc sad he ad a cart ac attack n wll tell you herc.rcs a body oul l )!ll. was dagnosed L-d wth here, bu ryng to fnd lls lke a pnsule canccr n 19*)?.. sultercd ltee strokes n 2(X)2 and d underwent a ( uadnple lypass AS n lanneedle n a haystat larller. a law enforceenl fclal nw shno non Sd de laoased H K.* % T l e. J f srunt n g o)ut Don ss your chancc lo advertse n the NEW PMT Projocl Mutual Telephone Drectory by Phone Drcctor orcs Copany, Make suro yourcur cuftoers know w here to fnd you. R o b G l s o n o now tll the end t o f for > r ths specal E\ vcntf w l l h a v e t h e h o t t e s t d e a l s o f t h e y ec a r o n e v e r y v c h c lc e t h a t f a n d u s e d! E x t r a dc s c o u n t s, c u s t o n u e r c a s h a n d b a n k Ls p c - y o u d u r n g t h s s p e c a l s a l e. t h e d e a d ln e s alrrn l o st h e re, call an d reserve y our sf space todayl o r c CTDRKS «w y rton CX k>pdc POC f l / l S o ORECn S n S ease jon us fron G r e e n A u l o G r o u p > o u r l o l... b o t h n e w ; w l l b e o f f e r e d t o y Bflr>o fl ha to a)wqm chea on wtocl \ vamc>»», OAC on ol un««. 1 Nssan " H y u nud lo 1427 B lue Lakes Bl h d 1090 B lu e L aoleesb h tvd 1070 Blue La L akes B h d T w n F a l b, D T w fn F l k, D S3301 T>Wn F a l k, D a [ d ( ] 733-lt 1825 Pontac Buck G M C

;jsjat[qn Hayden Lwould nhertac; DA n tra] nston KNGSTON. N.Y. (AP) A. person tat a.

5 ;jsjat[qn Hayden Lwould nhertac; DA n tra] nston KNGSTON. N.Y. (AP) A. person tat a." he L-Sd s Frday, By Katherne Shrader than 20 CA statons S t and bases, and State Depon part ent languag ges, su c h as Arabc o r» ap w ho peppered a bt busy But state Suprele e Court lrg. thee focus o n cldc n Darfur, fur. and, h e w as s ncreaslngly a sk ed to share on p Feb. 13,2005, cally sho hoot- all just outsde Kn( ngslon. had spy chef Mchacl Hayden c n J Q a u t l tn n Aerca, a ong dose who hosted ts talen t w d o th e r agences. ng off d ozens o f rounds. :s, ac- : claed he was feel tng sclal h es conf ed to fgure rc a out wne here ntelll- Osaa bn Lad :den and hs al- The fon r e r N atonal Councordng to wtnesses. TNvo ) peo- pc that weekend and tlu lal " wasn t how best to use thcno. :nrca. Afrcan naton, a n d h e h a s T le c h self that day because, of ; co n u n ty tself s at a Df lack s ous. le prosecutor sjdho;!- s new. only 15 pcrce stay sta state- Hayden Durng hs proven helpful n de w ar on qs : Bn o f sleep and drug a nd alcol cohol l h ad a perverse nte Jrennuh sad. W hat are terest n the sde to study languages oar r get c publl bllc confr- terror. abuse. Colubne l Sch lng for? W hat s th e n- :hool slodtspecalzed nstructon after e rh t c aton test o n y tl ths week. n a Septebc nber 2005 spccch, " sorry that all tls ; hap- ng and kept nenonl nhn a-atlul nee c o u n ty o f 2010 tradtonal yearlong tran lnng H ayden d d n t ofter cr speclflcs Goss took crtc hjcjs for sayng pened. lls s not de knd nd of cd U) the 19 ) ) kllks. olo(& llke? P progra, accordng to new lew ly about h s geographc { ntfrcsts th e agency neec leeded to b eco e dsdoscd agency fgures. b ut stressed a need ;d fo. ru te n - less dependent n t ( on alles: Later,. By next year, the CA plans s to lon on ran a n d North Korea offlcals sad that th shouldnt be have trpled th e n u ber of o n al*q 1-Qada and nterp reted to ean th e spes collectng ntelgen!ence oder ssues, agency wasnt nterested r n re- around th e w orld, co par pared Snce N ove ber :r : the atonshlps wlh /th frendly ntel- X b. w M aay W ethefp Yo wtl agency hos b een u nt der orders lgence servces, :es. Tlc ra png up has been be fro P resdent Bush sh to boost Durng hs >Senate re arks, _ after tlc Sept. 11 attacks. cnge s to M eanwhle, a new drect ector quantty, ners. "These relatlonsnps rel; a rc o f the ut ost t t p o rtan ce for the CA an d o ther spy agcnc nces receved a n nflux o f loney analysts by 50 percct cent. ntelllpence veterans say ly the chaget qualty lty wld the w anted to open up ore U.S. d a ta to trusted led foregn p a rt- J t t S f wll soon take the hel o f a C CA tlat s tryng to fnd ts dcnt entty A senor ntelllge cnce offcal, speakng only o n co n d to n er our securty, especally es] n th e contcxt o f Lle de fght aganst nearly Tve a r s n de works as de n u b e r o f opera eratves and Hayden ndes lcatcd th a t he You lave queatond/we ave at-jwero! Crada Reese.nd T e A r o u n d n a n era of ntcugen jence anony ty, sad t the CAs dose terrorsts ts who \ seek to d o A n tq u e s & C o llectb les FnncM J. Wrght cjangcs, n o longer perch rchcd atop Ue 15 other spy ogcndc: ccs. O utgong D rector Port o n e r analyss dvson, cal aled thedrectorate o f ntelgc lgence, was on track to eet the tn goal o f us grave har n,",": Hayden sad; H a y d e n also so sad th e CA ust re an the govern ent s grcss-approved th e changc nges. T he CA h eld 865 >5 recrutng e r dfferent types tyr o f ntelll- Goss led tle a n c y os Con- Co: top center for r brngng hr toged- Ed.D LC XPC. and h e e barked o n a bu] j py events n tle 2005 budget year, gence fro } spes, eaves- U b e r ty C a r e S erv t c e s path o f p u ttn g th e n plac lace. up fro 340 th e prev revous year, droppers, satell lelltes n to osopportunlu He nco ng d rector loves But a ajor challenge ge s gettng sess ents. M e n ta l Hh e a lth opj es to portunty to steer th e CAs c reaon. To help, d e CA ncn creased the agencys analy lalyss dvson, n a nod to th e state o,f f tl th e staff for polygraphers js and ed- Hayden sad theat for every 10 CAs oralc.uls week, Haydcnce cordng to spokeswoan o len- years of cxper erence, th ere s V Cottee, ts been a dffa [fcult nlfcr M ulerwlsc Dyck. only one" wth 1 10 to 14 y ears o f Log on to twww.aglcvall \ te for tle agency." You cant just t turn on a experence whc vho can act as a ( Yet so e offcals have tr«tred faucet and have 50 percent entor. Clck on Ak the Expert : to dspel th e dea of a 1 s spy orcoflcerslnu eft ; feld," Dyck "Tlls s the! youngest anolyt- agency n sha bles by poln lolnt- tl- You have to do lo t de rglu c w ork force n ng to succcsses. Tley d de- way. th e C entral scrbed a CA that s tak kng At hs Senate con onfr alon Agency," Hayd ore rsks, enlanclng ts cad caclre learnr, H ayden also prosed ore dsappont of analysts a nd f dng new JW to rea r w h at he le sad was ths s the least albet covcrt addrcssalos/markbtlro M anagor for lor TB Tles-Naws, tons wru colleagues Gsat de FB overseas or-who speak c rtc a l bt S «AT. BJru-e pjn..-4 p-. \ M ere w o rlkng t fblr, Mbreaver. tpcr b] nlodcat. W sto ry th w - ap ; * V } donors ust provde woufd J n R o b e r t A l e x a n d e r c n f y C o l l n s \ A A l a n H o e r... earner and has no syptotns. T o A s h e n b r e n e r l s a D o n n e l l B r e n t j B s e l f n The four couples used rs» d " sa e sper bank, sold Dr. V C a y B a b b e l C t l s E a t o n. b e n Lawrence A. Bojcer, lead autlu tlor of rcport n Tle Journal o f Ped Pcd- S h a w n B a r g a r C. L e o n a r d "FO o g e " l t e r, Vc e s t a. M a g? l atrlcs. a Phladelpha p u blca- atrc ntree addtonal tal couut/ ebers lu E r c C a s s d y, D O J e f f H a r r s ton. havt veeen asted taeon the K b a r W c o reaw nlls jgog Boxer, drcctor o f pedlatr he atology and- oncology (.. the Unversty otm cbgan 1 and on an cxpen on d e dsease, wpl rpud A M h o s p ta l j not cay w here d M p e r bank. r orhcvedplcntsarec[otn. "Tlc botto KnO s, whe vhen you use a sper d onor you n ally dont know vrtat youre ge tng, Boxer sold s lo l o rm rfc rc Ue done o n ar edlth cdlflfe S = No taxpay y e r d b l l d s }ercho 6r c :T; Votng YES T: Votng YES 5 = Support fp - r s t L u t e s understands the,, p r ooposed p partnershlp xt edeasaskp TE/ Vfay -p SM a n d a n e w festte ] o r l o c a l d p c t p r t n p o f t c e o f a l o c a2/ l v o c e t h h M l l o u r d o f p n y f e. B t o r t j n f to a NewYork [al 1 shoo [)ter sentencedd to 32 years h and... for n aton M ea y 2 3 r v e on thefaoc Alan Holder. 20,2006 Tle»MMt,.TMnMa, a*. daho M * * H g r d MndjTObh--pl

Saturday M a y 2 0, 2 0 C Stud CHEERS O Valley seventh graders for t p rojec to rcsorc ka land Mstun. Localod ol llc n 1-HJ at Lxl 173.

6 Saturday M a y 2 0, 2 0 C Stud CHEERS O Valley seventh graders for t p rojec to rcsorc ka land Mstun. Localod ol llc n 1-HJ at Lxl cducalonal and hst. ll all. lhe r/a studo days at the nueu, e two weeks apart. S o ut hours of lal a church, a house, a barrack and cassroo house and any o l huklnt s. And n the procoss, shaqenod her nalh. 1 and lnlsh sklls, by work oxpercco n roj jtcls.. c;assroons can ho sad nah cachorand nalor lance Walter, "n J e r o e C o u n ty s ta gan by changng le rd k s. lled another challengng lhe decso Jeroe County cos lven lough dozons of w ere part of revap co >rehesvo plan ago and wo pad a o: pany SKO.OOO lo lolp ct nssoners and tl. - nng and zonng hav denyng ost land dv tho couny so people c! houses on argnal :: Tley reason t would lhe essental characte; area and negatvely dares." have not roc reply s to how t wouh ncgatvrcffecl.. M arty Loo and were an authors of the L secon of tho Conprc Plan, Marty s a darynw a a crtc o f poorly daro.s. 1 wll also be Un defend well-nn dares recort proves that. O ur co pro se "w orthless ag land value lo lh e owner av couny n lhe for of T tues. and ths has wor : for 10 years. ; Jhe conssonors proved an ordnuu changes our words so longer are allowed to S fve acres so your cl buld a House next u Your rght to uso your you see Tt has been tak - fro you. and you p ddn oven knoxv about Even A-2 land that rural resdental s st far ed productvel; should nol be assue ; lhe place to drop hon pont o f prolectgag s to protect productve ; 1 ay lose ths lawsu: : eans you lose, too. D sure that you wll have to u se your land, vole 1 can for Dana Obona Wllas, Mchelle. and Rck Habean. Oh yca. vote for e. ; LEE HALPER Jeroe ; (Edtors note: U x U : lcpllan auluhc/. SauAnD strcl26.) F a r tr a d to n s requ a b e tte r event cen Have we all forgotl bull. worked, gave a even wore lwed for us t th e thngs o fo u r w u l ; wo beco e so selfsh ; tnergcd n our own poj «that wc cant do our s : tho noxt generaton lke : vos dd for ours? 1st! W o oxhlbl tlenteg forethought of what gonoraton rased n love ts about te so edng good for ou fargrounds by votnp th e WnFaUsCounyr rde Levy. ls a azng how eas ; so e to wrte letters or t flcult for the to p p h o n e tochcck out h c s frst. They woul uch ore ncugcnt - th e tl. r-or exaple: ; Fler Cty Sewer h plant welcong the n ccntcr. cc shows carry floorng. Rll wtl ws freeze. M ost event cenk concrete floors and co w th d n for the rode such as the Thoas M; le r n Las Vegas where tonal Fnals todco s h *Thc fargrounds ha ay lents: y M ddle School JEERS r thor se ester for a flub daho Far and lew elect o fuevot nortl sde of Blecto. n-arm s an Ele ent; lstorc ste lh a l oath sg ( farng past and Tle ele locaton re n te r at th e volo resdent. dents spent four Hut be- Maybe "count o\ bo borng places." ths decs nd project coord- school d nls sn t." tytorcfle t a n d s t o > l e a d e r s buldng pro t her lawsut funded oy volu son of the Foundaton anof ctzens funds. plng tle 1 can fuul n n 10 yoars the no beer" Uose co - offar. Ueer s a Llp us. the nter event; the plan- grelly respon have been operatng w th dvsons n A few ght e10 lpubl- fvo away c;ls ; enaucr, Su bank robbers,! Uerson C»ro\vng up. 1. the sayng. " l e, too. where your o so eone can t Dorder alro af //«//>ttkn ously underfu cforllosc year. Renc b ) cordng lo th e tle Unted Stat squre controls the p p n tp r hc prary 0 e n e r soon and gone gotten w ho thefall. e and, yes, lease, take tl us to enjoy fored and vo outh? Have bor, just beca sh and sub- date agroos wl possc-sslons lglnng rod jr sharc for ean hc o r sh lke de prc- vote down tle s ths how other one. tegrty an d A 50-sone at our past voter turnout f n us? 1 be: prdes tself on e w e d o slaeful. o u rc o u n y Lsten. Read lng yes for carefully. ncn lyfarover- BOBWTTHRt Burley easy t s for sand so df- S t. UlkoS fa c a n h e lp M a ould appear n respon: ent prntng Bradleys letter j)le: carc at St. Lu r h as a new would lke to s e new event postve cxpet ry portable n August 2 w ater a n d fu ted to Boa ter labor asst nters have pregnancy o f o cover tle tve days at S t.: odeos, etc., was n ot o n n 1 M ack Ccn- but th e s ta f f s le re th e N a - the area o f the s held. stayed, they h hove oper* faly roo 0 1 sprue S to tle Jero e School Dstrct, lub n the May 2 sunple enal ectlon tla dscjrded 25 percent rate. ton oncals al Jefferson ary faled to collect electors sgnatures fro 203 voers.. lecors oath confr s that llor s regsoed Und a dsrct t. because dstrc offcls sjd the.vouldnt have c hanged the out- n favor of tle levy, wlcl passed 2 percent approval for the sup- ntal levy, tlo electon was count- ald. dstrct sad ts decson 1 uster w tl th e dalo 1 Board attorney. (O f the 203 d ed voles. 121 v ated yes and ho so. but th e prncple ol overy vote" has taken a t wlh!cslon. And t adds doubts about dstrc electoas and der ublll-. flexn acaracy. 0 lax o r county CL 193B. he. oton has boon lunoers. lhe Far and current ar- _. agan wltl no Ux s allowed at otler nts, w hch are lonsble for tho llqumax funds, even slop off n J fler an event to noney for a leer. a j ng o r even sp en d j D. SEAMAN gaes ann c a n d d a t e s Bush has sad the nantora 0 o borders s lo ncxjcal s: lorary worker pro- have our ng llegal alens a Magc Val n the country. W e groat care one a nesty d eal Rc{onal tlat was.supposed ever, 1 felt 1 s proble. T le d ld n o lln le w as to enforce ble facllc :ady on the books, ly. s soluton sounds >leasev k(; Jskng banks to provde nc sh n order to d eer ty wth a. b ut our k p. always heard sonlswt "Put your oney co un Touth s." Perhaps leal care t n tell e why our gvng. 1 agens ure notor- AMYSC funded year after. Buhl Tber readers, ac- he C onsttuton o f GOOdbVG tales, or C ongress purse strngs. W c hello tff- y oloclons co ng > Before oral electons n s 20 ll. dlnk long o tlo l e to get n- own ours vote. And re o - rcnv, bu l L-ause your cand- cjn un w lh you on o n e ng yes. T od" ssue,- doesnt and new sho w ont sell y our tle. [he rver on every ll bel w anted c elh g percent tleydgel t fro l slate tlal s ths dl o n ls patrots s thnk s g Uon?L jad. Learn. Tllnk pays wll j snvote! lu swl ROW skyrocket.escalate : horse. fa c lrtle S - fs a sal flaglc Valley J " " anse. to H elen sstu lata ter regardng poor lecton dll Lukes n Bose. St. Luk ) share our falys Great! perence w th St. Wantng o pctltl : 2005, was lfe- we had ssebccauscofpre- wth the ssoclated w th th e twore frct. Lukes. My roo choce to : y always vvcl! kcpf >.ttj6n. H f was excellent. qttf own te hosptal ttsterday h ad a w onderful n free ent n full o f oves. TWn }t 1 T esn e PN ceup ct, 1 1 r ual f * L l L E [ rrgt" ors -L 1 g J ers. r. the CHEERS to lh e r up. H a g e n n a n PubUc Ub: j n t.. after t Was scorched n An arsons fla e d( qj, co uny sprt n a},o spte o f tle 1, loodegr 203 vpcd out furnture, co nnd course, tle books. But (he lown of 700,, Qf olulelbnuanutlab vljj forw ard to collect o a n d c o p u te r h n rd w a bll, ts one-roo rcfercnce T he lbrary even got a L E T T E COULDA W and a refrgerator. My for d spent several nghts h g n de faly roo; tle as even look care to ake rat ; was not dsturbed. Ad- rs Uy on y floor, there was.. d o snack roo wtlj drk.s se. soda. lk, jce) and elt (Joll-0, co crea, crack- an ll we could access at any fot re we left tle hosptal, we the lour of tle Newborn n- rac C re Unt. Wow, w hat an pa ble sol up they have. Not wc the NCU huge, Uey wc beleve, dree oveglu 1 for faues to stay n fot hey are getdng reatfy to 1 ler babes hoe so they 1 end a nght there at (he al and have de nursng Q gh there to help the to carng for a prcaturc or an nfant w lh serous ] ssues. Wc xvere able lo sw ;jur tw ns here n de po Valley, and w e receved. \v :are at th e Magc Valley ] lal Medcal Center. ow- w l rolt bad that the stathere su lave d e se e ncrcd- co les to carc for our fa- aft pu se vote for St. Lukes and h L not only our co- 10 vrork N tofj Vellnda Gatos Foundaton fc w co puters, and orc gra JO to b e n de works. Tle facll na od daho >ublc U brary t rn ts a n d CHEERS n th e cose c v ecpstokes sca dal too ) fro a Heyburn an. ts to th e culprts who fooled a r-old H eyburn an o ut c and $6,700 payents, le ve :eved a col fro a an wh ed h self as Mr. Tln Wlla Aercan Drect Gang C on n a nd Sweepstakes ayout Cer rordng lo 1 leyburn Polcc. ll a s told h e won S.2 llon, an 1 to forw ard prepay ent funt. s. llnkng t was leyt. de a CHEERS ure n order for th tank that prevenod th e an fro growng worse, n o a d orders to send n addllo 3 to a Q adan hnk lo procc: get Slate control of wolv M lease vote for Fred \ May2:. FRED PRESTON Doclo U re a le v e l-h e a d e d C leader for publc have known (Jeo 8 personally for -O y ears: also dealt wlh h n gg- ness capucty through antenance!ud golf c 2,. nesses for ost o f t " : years. 1 have also c George over the yoars ~ fce as ayor o f the 15 Matsen. G eorge s vrry sorlo J arc ls tly 10 people blls t y t>(j[ nsen. lo f rest workng and honest ant along well wth ever nd. order to acheve th e : llr. co e. 1 thnk le s vo tjx. houled and rcsearche: ton lt-- thorouglly before )lal slon Ls ade. Saller ctes oflc s of ave a lot ol oney w g o to operate, ut 1 feel,nvs- has done vory well wll ds a n d lhe Clly Councl rful. togeder. Wjd George s 25 ye;: b e- perence and ogerne tho job done rght. would be wse lo George Ure for Dstrc ty cossoner, Please vole on May 2 you. ELDON LARSON nd- Hansen, supcsn E v e n t c e n t e r c a n t s e rv c e n e e rg e hs he daho B ureau o des, land Securty has s ness usefulness of large Re- evon centers" n p a n d for. respondng to and ng fro largo-scalc e ong ces. Wlen.supported du- eergency plannng, s o - crs as tho proposed lg a Event Center can serv :s he ruy of wys. Such a c ho used as a rallyng lyce. arrvng utud ad. t useful lus a short-torn Gary for those w ho are s unty wdout shelter. M ay Under the ost event, su d a faclty cc f ort a teporary norp accd w th a lfe lhat could result coercal arcraft nc U nder less extre e > stances, event centers rt o f opportuntes fo r cn tg (o response sl ulatlo th c ttuup ont de ons Often, a large v enue : cl for n order to allow all pa long local, stale and fede and pnctce w orkng as under controlled conc, th e lhat we are able to func n by n tho uncontrolled cap- nent of an actual dsa. observed lowed by d e su rs n lls of- want a county g th e cty o f can trusl, thon change! rous a bout To dose o f yc pe a n d lhe cess to the cou u s hard st a n d gets your ateho t voryone n Ue ho e page, le b est o ut- Plojse read a, vory level- judcal role o h es l p rob- counw cos fore a dec- a dffcult con stand. Co flen dont not partcpate w lh w hch ferred to as e; eel 1 lansen sons regardnj kvth G eorge zonng applca cl w orkng legal responslbl lc Jero e ; years o f ex- C o ssoner ess 10 gel po.sed an o er, thnk w e u u nder der 0 vote for to protect d e h rc 3 coun- general welfare lley souglt Ul y23.n ank assstance o f o tors lo pass a coal-fred plan «legsladon rc*qul ces such as He; n b e a Departent of S e n c le s S K l S u o f Hoe- Utltes Cotr 1 seen th e and renort o n ge specal lrcd plants. ; preparng Wlal s ben Uld recover- ths fler? s ll c e ergen- the knd of res ted by good shp" o r clu g, s u d ) cen-. ctzens desre? ed Poneer Veronca Uer -rve n a va- re-decled. wll onzl sca s co - Call de daho at- :e consu er pro fy o u Kraer, th e lor- ho and Green Buy found hs Super a ond-studded n on arplane. t n a sports e o- ) ste. Tlat stes f Mastro Aucdons and gave t back e rng w ars ago, one off and do- s to needy redrcd 1arc recevng n- d dsablty co -. ague. speeches and 2 werc h anded a ; sde, w c read, nes to protecdng ys future Obe- 3ur Sde." O n th e ctw oplqtosw lth D ana O benauer an arc- Choosng er Dana Obe- 0 s a pastoral derv L ler ansa ke stacks e ttng polluton To- statcent. "fyou / goveent you un t s te for a you wo have ac- aunty Web ste at, drect 1 de essages on ;c. aboul de quasl- of de board o f lssoners; l s n ot ncept to under- ssoners usl te n w hat s le- ex-parte dscus- ng plannng and catons. Tlls s a bllltyofde board. ) Board o f County ers unan ously ergencyoraor- ;r audorty to act health, safety and reofu elrdtkens. and receved th e our state legsla- a oratoru on s n daho and (urng stale agen- leald and Welfare, of Envronental 0 D eparl enl o f ces and the Publc sson to study 1 pacts o f coalng pled w th lsleaclng? s Us csponsbc leader- hangc" Jeroe s er an has, a nd f 11 contnue to pro- ble leaderslp for RMAN need dvocate er stu d en t of Mr. : a drlled to en- s superntendent trucllon. r knov n noru- han n southern lough hc las roots revalley. y success n hgh >Uege ath dosses s a n d creadve ef- Te w c u nderstood h c was teachng, a s a otvator n, who was n ot students and be- ld do t even fw e 30. Hs p asson for d hs students d e hc talked to ents or peers. 1C w ent o n to b e a ndpol know y ver h a d a teacher \ school. He s dfed for de pos- Jer, ad nstrator r logger so hc can ted decsons as a e ber lo assst ndng. F urther n- a n be found at co. Mr. Casey retre T kds need U n se advocatng for TTERSON JR

r a q t r a dto n so f od u n g f o r d ea d c h a n g e aj u n d v o le n c;e e GAZA CnV, Gaza A Strp (AP) ;TWs oney s donated fro A senor H a as o: oflldol on abroad, t w as ts ean t for poor Byn a p ouch H a as h as s b een unable to under hs shrt, th e B frst fl ajor brng n lens olo f llons n ad BAGHDAD." src="">

7 r a q t r a dto n so f od u n g f o r d ea d c h a n g e aj u n d v o le n c;e e GAZA CnV, Gaza A Strp (AP) ;TWs oney s donated fro A senor H a as o: oflldol on abroad, t w as ts ean t for poor By Thoas Vltegner Frday tred lo sneak ak$ people." Haac ladsad. nto tne Gaza Strp >n a p ouch H a as h as s b een unable to under hs shrt, th e B frst fl ajor brng n lens olo f llons n ad BAGHDAD. raq 1jass al- cash sugglng a ttept n by an fro Arab and d Musl coun* Knan, a 34-ycar-old car e- ncrcasny desperat rate Ha as tres because A Arab bonks, afrad chanc. d d au h e could to guvcnent chokcd d by b] Western to n a fo u lo)fu.s.and-tcrtor. f low Shte M usl n tradtons sanctons. s cgslauon. refuse to tans-. w hen hs b ro h er a: and three Palestnan securt Lrty forces fer the oney, 7 - T h e West froze cousns were slan. confscated th e on loney a t th e vlal ad to the te Palestnan Au- But lke so u ch \ n raa, de Egypt-Goza border, r. and o Pales- thorty when Hj Haas, vewed by rtuals o f d eath have tlnan Presdent M ah oud Washngton as S a terror oganknockcd aw ry by vol tolcnce. Al- Abbas H a as o: an polld- zudon, coe c to power n. Knanls cn*ons to > honor hs cal rval ordered d a c rto ln al M arch, t h e nc new gove ent ", dead relatves provde pn a nqury. A bbas decl; edson was has been unable topay(s,000 glpse o f th e n ew r n raa, w here b o u n a -to rase tens ensons al* -cvl servants, 9, w hose ncoe even attendng a func ncral can be ready hgh after polo )lce loyal to feeds one*dlrdofdc Palcstn-. dangerous. Abbas and a n ew Ha ar as ll- ans. The agony began 1 when w. a car M ta exchanged fre ; carer Fr- Ha as h as h ( b een dlggbg n, carryng hs brother. r. Hak. 40, - : rejecungweste [ern deands lhat and th w cousns wa was Slopped, v,, f!, led that the t recogdzc srael and re- [ o ne nght lost onlh nth at lyjout H)-euro blla nounce voleno cc. * 9:30 at w hat they thou l o u t vras a y l yng prvate nstead t: has launched polce c h eckpont n De c a p -, V-. ended t for fundrasng dr rves n osques, ta s ostly S u n n Arc ra b n c - R p l leged sug* askng worshp lppcrs to donate borhood of Azayal.» a n Sa to publc cofl e ers. n one Gaza all. ; Hak called h s s brother b on d to dlls way Q ty atxju 500 people hscell p h o n e to say he would ways were dropped cash o get h o e later tlon 1 planned n Haas d e an d ed rn ent off* nto collccton n boxes alter Frof Sadr Cty, a Shte area rca of Bagl- Three brother* r* of ( a an shot dead by a gunar an n the Doranelghborhood of Baghdad st next to hs coffl honey all n 500-uld contra- DNA w e have vc studed fro osque. But o th er Shlle Sh tradand w eddngs w th ort Chrstopher Colu n Republcs C olu bus brother and lons quckly fell by jy lle way* shells, roadsde explosves an ans w ere bured lhat the cx- arsopherc}olubus. Castro sde. sucde bo bs despte crdds Spansh cathcdral, a rest c n the so d n atd cphc hone ntervew. bloodsed fro relgous leaders. dat could help e n d ucal a Castro, M lochondr. ra are cell co cks hangng _ Lasl year, a sucdc bo b old debate over thand e c teacher poncns rch n n the genetc a-. q, only 16 j. Wtl sectaran bl klled 47 people a nd w oundc Onalrestlngplace. stu d y that leral and nsurgent attacks orc tlan CO at a Shte func o a t- DNA sa ples fro Juan Bautsta ta Meses, the d- j over, uch o f nq. al n M osul. 225 les lortl a n a old bone slvers couk fcoltbus rector o fth e O C olu bus Llgltjsslon.Wal- y frends an d rcluves o wt vcst o f Baghdad. O n Jan. 4. det the D o ncan 1 have R been house a cros oss-shapcd buldocks long that the r dess, tlc An raq nteror V, showed u p for th e tr lor Mnstry coando looks out lut fro f on top of a tob - - Maqdadyah, 60 les n orth co petng cla th nln}can.rea. ngseveral bloc. Shte funeral processl he four cas- toulno patrol pat guardng the ceetery n Najaf, raq, Wednesday. th hc captal, a sucdc bo b plorer w as lad to re D o ncan go governent bult c 10 several a. n g an d b eatln g th ercl an attacked a funeral for a Sh NewW orld.sadm arcl lent ca c a to house the ex explorer s reans ou prs carred the sant nearby / provnces pr dured drve lo nc oltclans nephew, kllng a Spansh hstoran Jth an annlver* - - ds ssed tn t. e researchers follow She Wc w ere d. kets fro the ho e n : deeply h u rl be- Bagldad, lad, and the feast of eat. c cast 32 ourners, w ounur who d c v lsc d -th c -sn d eath n the fndngs. Hc e nssted that lon ajaffor cause wc coul ould not b ury th e rce and d f frut latjasss fa- dc dozens and splatterng tol began n dold. Colubus s b bured n thcd o- stsluedty, d ead n Nafaf. [ The plan w as to fol [af. as our relgon ly arrang nged had to be held n su sloncs wd blood. However, so e oled f Q by Span- lncan Repub blc. r death. But sad we should ;, tradton by drvng :s lo ud." Jass sad n tc aferr ternoon. gven w hal had re ans also c ould h suddenly an ntervew a, burallnlraqshou ests.nt hs hoe. huppenet ned to the four relatves t; burled n th e D o ln ton Shllcs gener _ w thn 24 h o u rs o f dc lerally hold a trec- as they y drove llrougj Bagldad * o f pubuc.hcsad. raq securty forces c n s Karbala, day wake for tlc dead after at nglt. t. The announcc cn closcd lle h w a y to Ucrbural.Uut Uut that wasnt pos- "After L r l! the feast, w e told the htc day before th e 500theve people sble cther, 1: tlc bural took placc dl n ourncr crs to leave as soon as sary of C olu busdea al*sala, Such cerec * tle No. 2 holy cty. ones arc usually possble. c. n the past, d al would SpanlshcltyofValladol.a " M any Shtes belev e. one of the attended by dozens o f relatves avc beer teen consdered an nsult A forensc tea led ceres, wll a n d frends,.. bured n Najafs W ad. lasl late nto th e at s u dt a sacred evcht," Jass sc tle bural nght a n d ncl or llc Valley o f Peace, o d u d c a d n n c r o n sad. "O "But tod.y everyone c shrne of le fnal day. worlds largest cenee knows that securty s necessary ntury Shlle But few re jlj.go to eavcn because relatves lvng n losavelv r lves." ground s n ear th e s a Al. a 7th -centu lg PM fals to0 settle on caj andldates A?) raqs sters can be c naugurated 1: th e n he te nter, r deputy parllanlscr faled sa e day. cnl spec peaker Klld.U-Attyal Frday wlll After cen tng wth poltcal told The hc Assocated Press, ol- /lowlll run representatves, /es. llc pr e n- Malk wlll w serve as neror ncong nd nteror ster-deslgnato to sad ls Q blnct nster ac nd Salarn Zka Al BAGHDAD, raq (A?) le wu pres- had been settle tled except for the al-zubale, lale, a Sunn Arab, wll A d v e rrtsersrj t. ncong pr e nls parla ent \vo contested d slots, s and tlnt h c head hc D efense Mnstry. He to reach agree ent orary Fr heads w ould present hs no nees to sad they would serve for a poltcal leaders on whc Ue275-ebc ber parla ent o n week to 0 allow for an agreeent )on t ss, out g the key defense and announce- Saurday. on pera anen appon ents. sde bobs "Wc uccldcd lnbulcs b u t sad h c \ [k1 on the na es of Al-Zubalc s llc Sunn no- tunty to part, cn l hs C abnet to : pa klled 17 the nsters s and a we wll an* ncc for deputy dcj preer, and hs f anyway w th te poral n to push nounce the " " Saurday J except poltlcarj al o u p s part o f the of the Magc Va aueys J n tlose poss. a govern- for nteror and a defense n- an Su unnl Arab coalton, the N ourlal-m alklsan cr sgn of Stres, Both vrl pvl be acdng (te- raq Acco ccordance Front. ent ca c as roadsd to Swaste no porary) nlsk sters untl w e vll lost exctng eve rents.jra and o th er attacks qs k securty choosc th e best b «nsters for. D. raqs. Hs decson jns top pr- those posts," he sad N jng, S e t u p & S u p p o r t t h s e x c t n g a n d r e s ( o u r c e f u! orty. H B o p u b l l c a t o o n n o u r S u n d a y, J u n e 1 1 t h e d t o n er.u Republcan c:nddutc for orlnvn Fulls County t n tlc Mny 23 couny-wdc prr aryclccdon.m y " Already h c has short TS. Kullccn. s n Buhl elccna n y o o l teacher. Cabnet ap p o n t en cncruon t daloon. a Castlcford bnl un;a farer, and so lhat wt parla ate. pected opproval Saturd dccudcs of expcrcncc on an; lany county boards. unng and zonng chauu, 1. space needs. Jal, luy rcgulnon. as well as on n n any agrcullun, cvc organzatons. Agrculun lure s an portt :rlage and cconoy. nnd tlc dary ndustry s an t o f local ngrculure support good g zonng, good W K / t M 1 technology and good anagc crocntforourdarcs h ther nrul neghbors, r TcnylCnnc U Co.suncrn cspoasblc fscal anageent ;nt for county goveent. ve vc supported the, T wfcof29ycjrs, th St. Lukes, fro the very start. 1 beleve couny eployee; /ces should not be a fourth gcn lln n e f o r a n H T h e e n t r e 1 2 TlNwr».T» TMn ft, 1 A-7 Q d u a K t s O R L D ; o n t h s l t su

Y o u c a n s a 5 B B r J T n J f j J S 1» l v r K W 06 E BBHH ( U t f f u s a n d $ 1 H u n d re EEPGR( H S S S S S n e a t t h s p yjn P, HertzBold

8 Y o u c a n s a 5 B B r J T n J f j J S 1» l v r K W 06 E BBHH ( U t f f u s a n d $ 1 H u n d re EEPGR( H S S S S S n e a t t h s p yjn P, HertzBold " a S-C erth edr t n e a t t h s p 50DGE2 - * w tfguv l,. > n e a t t h s p v l N ] n e a t t h s p D Q D G >ne a t t h s p M b r b z. **. e o 21,9 a O n e a t t h s p r c CTEBSg 1 1 ffdqd X;EGR( Hertz $ 2 0 M B M a Pwr Sva w. - - v .- r - S u n Roof rce * 0,995 >rce S P w r W-L-M j / r f % Tlt/Cnse -C D. U l S r Wheels SfHler.. sspccd V n c e 1 2j995 Pwr W-L-M J «D S S? K r f Th/Crusc, C D W heels..:! Roof Rack Hertz Prce Tow Pkg Slgl -pwrw -L-M T lt/c r u s c C ass R ear Ar RoofRack 995 S!? D OM.Y.

SATURDAY M a y 2 0, 2 0 0 6 Mlle r t a U T e s - N e w s TS <es tvwo tl tes Bl By Nathanel Qarrabrandt the ga e and shut the c dow n.

9 SATURDAY M a y 2 0, Mlle r t a U T e s - N e w s TS ll (le an d was drven n 1 agan t by Track ajcl 1-ckl Chaponsh] slps Bronco, four consecutve ttles jup of thc year, but l ga e n thc fourth to alo allow Seclan on a.sngle [c followed Sadu n losl* Frday. "t s a pretty bg dea out there. n happy. only two runs an d dree h hts, by cosccutvc slngl gles fro Mllur stood on thc nudal to regel y season best, ped b a ltde bt better, strkng out three. desgnated htter Bo 0 Folklnga ccvc hs second clanplonsl nshp of (frst-place fnshes) ll hc day, n hc 200- clcr n. n.wthllgltnng Me and Vcr (Andcrso rson) >d Kclngton huln. n. w n coo tlng. ddnt :k n athlete had ever won llushnk to the snnh and tlat lathnt h ofran n talked about t before the ga?ac. basean Blake e Nelsen 2 untl 1 saned talkng cs before Frday nglt. hc ar. Mllers 200 ncc was 1 an - d t was just ddjf vu," sad hen drove a two-run 1 double tl to hs closest of n f r j a g - Ward also took ffth cal," Ward sld. "1 d dnl hc ac c en ter to ake t and andthnlnde200-n but d rather have four crcah Mtchcll o f lajc. Holh nn a 22.0 dugout. sa e jersey, ts actua :tual- Kasey leroue gaye l\vl Wn Falls a H P on de l\vn Falls 4x1 than a stale recon. ts scconds. hll Mller was ndes les head. ly even the sa e dale, san sa e four-run lead aflcr r crossng S ns s sccond.- realze how cool t ws Mller also w on the O()- )-uler dash n ga e le, everytlng.. V We ho e on a wld ptch, h. "We h ad a really go g to y coaches." B lo. seconds to take frst pncc. were just sayng. t an t gor ong Ela provded de c nnng s 1 Wu ddnt wn t dls :d n h c 100- ctcrn. le placcd second n thc nly people Sjl theres jus one lea 1x200 f tea dat placed " w anted to wn d e 100 anc and tle 200 and TVrn Falls" senor s Brttany Ward crosses the.... la nobody could ve predcted d the d that.knew we had a achance," "We never ran agat ;ut Uut done," Mller sad, d. 1 drcw tle fjnlsh lne to fnsh the anchor ef of the outco e, wth Wn Falls ( (19- sad Ela. "Everyone c else knd four n there and ddnt RCt wl before," sad Megan good V 4x200." Ward sad. h atlw ancd. casa 5A glls er 12) scorng two runs n ) tl (be of counted us out. Bu Jut w e had. 4x200-eter relay. The Bnjr hut you dont so et es. 1 tl M walkng on lo hc BoLse Su ptchers 1 on the ound over pull l out." good as wc are. t feel: stl. "rn sure ll look hack and a see that Football lea le:un. de gae, ad e t G-G n tl the tl Bruns wll fac oce Lewsacconnlshe senor or. lon, but stll won. wd a leap of 18 feel, State eter run. st people w ho are as cecd o de Tnbcnvolves dcp lepth u. On thc boys sde. ds good." on d( the hll, eruptng for lve 11 T*ta Ftll 14, TlbwU "n fouholl. w c ««ta W01S- wlto SNn season.- Mller s;d. "To wn 1 th the 100 and he was hgler. cr. 200 and lake second n de four. fec good "s ])rob obably de ost e MW. Un ju p scvcntl and elgl ahegluofg fccl.g lcl- h( K 300- cler hurdles lo d n de long ju p wd B o fthe boys 1x400 n n Nay placed ffth n the ce sad. placc, wlh Mller ru nda] nsfal] 1 Vk and Logan Lynch fn- sht n rrnberlrte glh respecdvely n th e ta! C o e u r d tobe arlak ngs vwsv«t«ndans sac baseball Hle ll ound for Buhl late ; n r he n Gae 3rTbOflne 6,1, Uko Cty hopes cac lo a n alrup an( and nng and anaged to stop the.pwn VAU S -e 5, eght nnngs learhreakn}; end -rday after flcr. bleedng, ptchng a Goe 4: Skylno 6, Mou ountan -Shu out dalene Vkngs noon, landng; n a pne tre rcc second fra e whle Vew 5. eght nnngs ndans stca rollngdec oulsdc Elks M eoral Meld d a at pulled to wln one w rtter FHdays gaes BS Treasure Valley Co tnunl ny (jy Andrew Lauda offo Blnatlon gae es Djllege. plch and an RB fron SJ ro.unes tle Q ass 5A state He C oeur Goo 5: Eagle 2, Bose 0. A hrce-n walk off ho crn erh Osterkap., na ent n Wn ngs F keep losor-cu the botto of hc.seventh by b Buhl led tle gae e n.the dvancc to :e co U petton os Gao 6:Lake Cty 6. M Mountan Hear Lke cachcr Hob Stl :nth **1 w hen left felder- er-m dael the T bcrllne B H W Vew 5, eght nnngs,. losfr-out lVcll, tlus c x n c t l y _ [ H Chaponshp telf.kds and lell th e you can a n l Cranerflnlshedasol the Class 5A CfMHnrf«o*Wp >P sccond of the nnng as Kdlos u d credt, coeur dal Chaponshp Goe 2(lfneo- ( h.t ddotf,they.. J- However, the U berlnc > dc (Jo- ju sth a v e to M ltd o rw et. hatfeall - J tlrd base an Brud Wss one and the coll w as overruled d and de turned nto rouon n berlne b atter walked Sh 1Krstn ClovU durng the teco fense was havng on oct-ra ac; w c ask of tnon. Wblv olves head "j shon Slop AusUn Lang. n stood for on 8-7 lea lead. ll bcrlncdg-! gout. Coeur d A- popped Rball o touaent sefnals co FH lttlfg sbc errors. Thrc h ree coach ArucSchjndt& tsad. r.ldngs con-. ll e Bears rc.sponded \Jtf,

. B-2 Tlwew.Wnf vln Fall. daho Saturday, May 20,2( 1,2006 S portss.

10 . B-2 Tlwew.Wnf vln Fall. daho Saturday, May 20,2( 1,2006 S portss. KU( By John Dorr Tes-Nowa wrter r oyclashurdles eda 1 Span tans ad\ c e 3 to4aconsokaton HOlSl ~ Kfv 11 h Klloy ade By DustJn Lspray Tgers ptcl teller Brett Young. s lls race ol* 10 n reeber. >»! 41,r TlrBO»-New» corrwpd fur KUh.lUglton :u: ; V. good wn." year. Coacl ch Frank sad. Unther tals was Jero wd 23 lle Spartans lost to Madson fortunately, y. yesterday. we puts. Uurley fsh 7lh (17 > 7-5 Tlursday to fall nlo conso- w erent able to do any of th a t pons) whle Wood ladon. Wc couldnl play our ga e )th(h.5 pons). Carlsle bted J hs h fasballs aganst Mac ladson bccause wc llecvenkstarte Bur-. W. S wll a destruclve e b breakng ball spotted det le sx runs. bday : ley llgl student D arhv Mller M througl uch of f d de gae. At w as ore lk ke how wc rc used to skn}; de natonal a Ja n le. one strt fch b c tw n,t.*cn a de frst pjayng.asft far as runnng bases, "t was thrllntj. lg. a n honor," and sccond nnn nngs he sat anddngsuukeual l! sad Mller, who add dded tbat she Jotoos All Goran flnlshos tho Class 4A A grls gl 4xlOO-otor relay n sect loond Frday afternoon at Bronc )nco do;vn sx consecutv lve batterson Anderson n w ent3-for-4w da had never sun n 11 r. of J Bj Bose. strkes, fve of der he btynglng double and 1 ca n RB. G a er also ; h o fa crowd." and ssng hs cun ;urve. w en t 3-for-4. W orthngton, added.nexl for Johnson s c:ol- "When ts on, ll l leps out a readed bas ase n every at-bat J e ro e lege at BVU where sbe do Joesnt lot," Carlsle sad. "Vou "Vc can wotk and stole dw luce bases. thnk runnng wll b

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