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Northern Lights Capo Murro di Porco lighthouse Plemmirio ...

Northern Lights Capo Murro di Porco lighthouse Plemmirio
It seems like a joke, it seems like a tacky photomontage and yet it's incredibly true. An epochal event that left the whole of Italy speechless.

Leserbilder Astronomie: Northern Lights - Capo Murro di Porco lighthouse Plemmirio (Syracuse) Italy

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Northern Lights - Capo Murro di Porco lighthouse Plemmirio (Syracuse) Italy
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© Tamajo Massimo

It seems like a joke, it seems like a tacky photomontage and yet it's incredibly true. An epochal event that left the whole of Italy and beyond speechless. Incredible Northern Lights also recorded in Syracuse. The powerful solar storm caused by the flares of the very large sunspot AR 3664 brings the lights of the aurora to our latitudes. Never seen anything like this in 53 years. Location: Capo Murro di Porco lighthouse Plemmirio (Syracuse)

Daten zum Bild

Ort Siracusa
Zeitpunkt 11.05.2024 00:30
Kamera Nikon D750 (astro-mod)
Teleskop/Objektiv  Lens: Zeiss 18mm f/3,5
Montierung  tripod - astro tracker
Belichtungszeit sky 30 s- ISO 1600 - f/3,5 | terrain 30 s - ISO 1600 - f/3,5
Nachbearbeitung Photoshop CC 2024
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